


July 11 , 2012: Entering graduate student Louis Yang arrives from Caltech.




July 2, 2012: Brian and Matt’s paper (submitted to PRB) appears on the arXiv.




June 25, 2012: Louis Baum arrives for summer REU program at UCLA.






June 14 , 2012: UCLA PhD Hooding Ceremony




June 12 , 2012: Scott's PhD thesis, "Comprehensive Pyrometry of Incandescent Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene in the Visible and Near Infrared," is approved. Congratulations Scott!




June 15 , 2012: Ed's paper has been accepted by ACS Nano and can be found here.



May 18 , 2012: Our unsolicited proposal to the NSF Division of Materials Research, DMR-1206849, has been recommended for funding, for a funding period of three years.




May 15, 2012: Jessica’s paper (collaboration with Kaner group) accepted by the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS).


April 30 , 2012: Ed’s manuscript is sent out for review at ACS Nano.



April 17 , 2012: Collaboration meeting with The Aerospace Corporation.



April 16 , 2012: "Chemical Vapor Deposition of Graphene on Copper from Methane, Ethane and Propane: Evidence for Bilayer Selectivity" to be on the
front cover of Small.



March 22, 2012: "Electron tomography at 2.4-ångström resolution" published in Nature.








March 10, 2012: Matthew gets hitched.










March 8, 2012: Edward passes PhD qualifying oral exam with flying colors.